We Mean fitness

Dr. Lisa Moore

“I had always considered working with a personal trainer a ‘self-indulgence’… until I started working with Mike Kelly. After 3 months with Mike, I now call it an ‘investment’ in myself that I can no longer live without. He has rekindled my interest in fitness and provided me so many different ways to keep and stay in shape. He encourages me to push my limits and try new activities. He has found ways to keep me thinking about my health between sessions. His holistic approach encompasses flexibility, diet, sleep, strength, cardiovascular fitness and more. Every session with Mike is different and interesting and most of all, fun. He makes me laugh which is so important to my vision of keeping fit. I have new respect for weights, for balance activities and cardio. I could not live without my skipping rope and BOSU ball anymore! Most of all, Mike has motivated me to keep physical fitness a priority in my life for the long-term.”

Dr. Lisa Moore, Family Physician, Ottawa Canada